Sunday 3 June 2018 2018

He studied at the film academy but decided to do it all different. In 2014, the singer-songwriter made the best choice of his life: he stopped working and started making music. David won the 3FM Talent Award with ‘Can’t Get My Head Around Loving You’ and the song ‘Crazy’ became a worldwide hit.



  • Paardcafé
  • 19:30
  • 19:30

It was a dream of David to be famous when he was only a child. He performed on his high school when he had just learned to play the guitar. Jack Johnson, John Mayer and Coldplay inspired him to write his own songs, in which he turned out to be very talented. The singer gets 350.000 streams a month worldwide on Spotify, not that surprising when you know his first two singles, ‘Friends’ and ‘Can’t Get My Head Around You’ reached 10 million streams. One thing we know for sure, is that David Benjamin is a much promising talent. We are glad to have him in Paard.