Dromerige en melancholische alt-country van wereldberoemde twangband

Monday 19 November 2018 8365

”An Evening With” – exclusive NL show

The dreamy and melancholic alt-country from twangband Cowboy Junkies had been the ultimate addiction for the lovers of the genre for over 30 years. Well-known popsongs such as Sweet Jane from Lou Reed or Dead Flowers from the Rolling Stones got a whole new dimension in the intruiging versions from this beloved Canadian act, but their own work deserves just as much recognition. On november 19 they are coming to Paard for an exclusive show.

  • Grote Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:00
“ Maakten eind jaren tachtig naam met The Trinity Session, dat met zijn even verstilde als serene vorm van countrymuziek gerust weergaloos mocht heten. “