Een opzwepende mix van Turkse folk, psychedelica, funk en rock.

Thursday 13 December 2018 8365

Founding a band almost never appeals to the imagination as much to Altin Gün: a bunch of dusty records from Istanbul, an obsession with years-old Anatolian music and a Facebook-status to find band members. Altın Gün brings a stirring mix of Turkish folk, psychedelica, funk and rock. The band already played on the big festivals as Lowlands, Best Kept Secret and Wildeburg, and will come to The Hague on 13 December for a visit to Paard!

  • Kleine Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

Jasper Verhulst was on tour as a member of the band Jacco Gardner in Istanbul and became inspired. He brought in Ben Rider (guitar), Nic Mauskovic (drums) and Gino Groeneveld (percussion). They are, not entirely coincidentally, also members of bands like Jacco Gardner, The Mauskovic Dance Band and Jungle By Night, who have also adopted their portion of world music. With Merve Dasdemir and Erdinc Ecevit as vocal addition, Altin Gün, which means ‘golden day’, was complete. Now they play songs of popular Turkish artists from the 70s such as Selda, Barış Manço and Erkin Koray who combine them with Western rock influences. Different worlds come together and provide a refreshing and danceable sound.

“ In navolging van hun Turkse seventies-voorbeelden koppelt Altin Gün Turkse traditionals aan psychedelica, funk en rock. Het resultaat is virtuoos, soms complex, maar bovenal onweerstaanbaar swingend. “

North Sea Jazz