Wednesday 5 October 2022 2022

On the 4th, 5th and 6th of October, Theater group Girls In Woods is back with a unique, one-off performance for the 50th anniversary of PAARD: THE AFTERPARTY. After a number of sold-out performances in 2021 – when we were unable to open the doors to full halls of people – theater group Girls In Woods now brings you a unique theater experience throughout the entire building.

From entering and hanging up your coat, from visiting the toilet and going home. During THE AFTERPARTY, which is specially focused on the 50th anniversary of our venue, you’ll experience what PAARD is like during a night out. With this, Girls In Woods pays tribute to the club for clubbers, old hands in the profession and the younger generation that is eager to throw themselves into the nightlife.


  • Grote Zaal + Kleine Zaal
  • 19:00
  • 19:00

Girls In Woods leaves no aspect of the night unlit. This way you experience the madness, bizarre encounters, crying on the toilet and dancing until the sun comes up. During The Afterparty, the young audience learns about going out and the older audience relives moments of their time clubbing, whether that was 5 or 50 years ago. The experience is full of recognition, nostalgia and new encounters. You could say that The Afterparty is all the parties you’ve ever attended in one crazy route.

Directed by: Nina Sondagh & Marjet Moorman | Text: Marjet Moorman | Voice soundscape: Scott Beekhuizen e.a. | Lighting design: Vasilis Apostolatos | Soundscape: Bob Kommer studios | with: Larry Koek DJs


  • The Afterparty is an audio walk with live performance, at the entrance you will get your own headphones.
  • You’ll walk in a group with a maximum of 4 people, every 5 minutes a new group starts.
  • The performance lasts approximately 40 minutes.
  • When buying your ticket, choose the desired time from the drop-down menu.

Girls in Woods creates theater with exciting themes. They provide an alienating experience in a visually stimulating universe.