Humanity House

Tuesday 24 April 2018 2018


In August 2017 hundreds of robotic-pioneers wrote an open letter to the United Nations. They are very worried about the future of warfare because killer robots are used more and more. They called the United Nations to action and regulation. Now that the Netherlands is part of the security council, we will do research about this subject. How for is the robotization of war? How do we stay involved when we don’t send soldiers anymore? And who do we see as more human, robots or people?

Because politic choices aren’t only supposed to be made by politicians, we call the Alternative Security Council together. Five speakers from art, politics, science and defence will discuss juridical, ethic and political questions with the public. What does robotization of war bring along? Besides this we will discuss how to regulate this internationally.

  • Grote Zaal
  • 18:45
  • 19:30