Thursday 24 September 2020 2020

The successful performance De Gijzeling by Firma MES returns. The theatrical reconstruction of the Netherlands’ first major hostage situation (47 years ago) can be seen in PAARD from 9 to 20 September.

“Our long-cherished wish is being fulfilled; we are going to play in the main hall of PAARD. Due to corona measures, we cannot play The Hostage like last year in the ambassador’s room of the former American embassy. But we do have enough space for the performance and our audience in PAARD, without losing the oppressive feeling of being held hostage. We can’t wait to play! ” Thomas Schoots, director Firma MES.

Are you going alone or with friends but want to sit 1.5 meters away? Then buy solo tickets. Are you going with someone from the same household and do you want to sit next to each other? Then buy 2 duo tickets.

24/9 door 18:30 – start: 19:00> tickets

If you want to go to the afternoon performance on 20/9 (door 14:30 – start 15:00), click here

Note: PIN ONLY. The entrance is at Lange Beestenmarkt 2.

  • Grote zaal met zitplaatsen
  • 18:30
  • 19:00

De Gijzeling
Friday afternoon September 13, 1974, The Hague. Three members of the Japanese Red Army enter the French embassy and take eleven people hostage. Six Dutch and five French, including the French ambassador. For five days, Korte Voorhout turns into a closed off no man’s land and the Netherlands is turned upside down. The hostage-takers demand a million dollars, a Boeing 737 and the release of a comrade captured in Paris.

September 2020, 46 years later. Firma MES tells the story of the people behind this by many forgotten event in a unique location performance. From the 21-year-old cop who was shot in the back, the mustachioed pilot turned folk hero, politicians in ethical dilemmas, the controlled Japanese negotiator and the hostages and hostage takers (one of which is still a fugitive). Experience this story in a unique way in the most famous pop temple in the city.

“Firma MES achieves a witty and credible result with limited means” Theater newspaper

Visit De Gijzeling corona proof at PAARD
PAARD and Firma MES offer visitors a Corona-proof experience. PAARD follows the protocol of Vereniging Nederlandse Poppodia en Festivals. This means that upon arrival, a number of questions are asked about health, so that visitors and staff are not at risk. A safe 1.5 meter routing has also been set up for the public. A few days before the show, visitors will receive the most up-to-date information about the visit to PAARD.

Concept Firm MES
Director Thomas Schoots
Game Daan van Dijsseldonk, Roos Eijmers, Lindertje Mans
Technology Dario Giustarini
Special thanks to all involved
Video & scene photos Sjoerd Derine

“ Eerste grote gijzeling tot trefzeker theater omgevormd “