Friday 2 October 2015 2015

Ticketsales starts 29 september 12:00h.With the success of the last edition still in our memories, music agency [PIAS] is already busy with the preperations for a very special edition of [PIAS] Nites. On Friday the 2nd of October, no one less than Editors will enter the stage of Paard van Troje. In this exclusive clubconcert the band will present their new album 'In Dream'. Also the American Singer Songwriter Elliot Moss will join the show, with her recently released debut album 'Highspeeds'.

  • Grote zaal
  • 17:00
  • 17:30

There are three different tickets on offer:
– EDITORS & Elliot Moss
– Combiticket EDITORS & Elliot Moss + dubbel CD In Dream
– Combiticket EDITORS & Elliot Moss + gelimiteerde goudkleurige LP In Dream
The CDs/LPs are to be collected on the night itself at Paard van Troje.