An in-depth interview with bassplayer Rinus Gerritsen (Golden Earring). How did the bassplayer come up with the bassline of Radar Love? How did he experience stardom?

Saturday 11 January 2020 8371

‘Radar Love’, ‘When The Lady Smiles’ of ‘Twilight Zone’. These are all hits that are staples in dutch rock history. All these songs have one thing in common, the solid bass of Rinus Gerritsen. The bassplayer of rockband Golden Earring is saturday the 11th of January. During these interactive interviews (filled with new footage and inside information) we’ll make an unique trip through the carreer of the bassman. The footage will play a vital role during the interactive night, also the crowd will be able to play a big role during the evening. A night without taboos!


  • Grote zaal met zitplaatsen
  • 19:30
  • 20:00

Behind the Music is an evening with an in-depth interview where a guest will be interviewed with footage of old FaceCulture-interviews and interviews with people who are close to Rinus. Visitors will experience a night where they will get to know the guest. Rinus will end the night with a small concert. During the night guests will be able to ask questions.

“ Ik verwacht een mooie avond vol prachtige verhalen over zijn leven en muziek. De successen met de Golden Earring, zijn unieke stijl van spelen, zijn band met Den Haag en persoonlijke vriendschappen zullen allemaal aan bod komen. “

Martin Kuiper – Behind The Music