Thursday 26 April 2018 2018

Yes! It is that time again. After the great editions of the past months, it is time for THE 80s 90s Nullies edition of the year: KINGSNIGHT! There isn’t much left to explain, because you already know it is going to be an awesome party. One thing is different about this edition: in The Small Hall you can enjoy Partijtje Gezellig! One ticket will give you entrance to both Halls in Paard. So, put on your best orange outfit, paint Dutch flags on your cheeks and you’re ready for the 80s 90s Nullies KINGSNIGHT!


  • Grote Zaal
  • 23:00
  • 23:00

Partijtje Gezellig is the typical Dutch party with Dutch hits, cheese and especially lots of BEER! Festival Madnessss.

For the ones who remember the cassette tape, who’ve seen Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club, who still know how to do the Carlton dance and for the ones who still remember the Justin/Britney break-up. It’s time to dance on that golden oldies.

More info soon!