Singer-songwriter bekend van 'Dat Ik Je Mis' gaat opnieuw op tour

Thursday 22 November 2018 8365

 After the overwhelming success of ‘Dat Ik Je Mis’ with 9 million Spotify-streams and 20 million YouTube-views in 2013, of the debut album En Hoe Het Dan Ook Weer Dag Wordt she released in 2015, the club tour and theater shows and festivals, Dutch singer-songwriter ask herself a question: What now? The answer is the same as the name of the album which will be released in May: Vanaf Nu Is Het Van Jou.

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Maaike took the time to take a moment to think after the bizarre rollercoaster. She wanted to get inspired to write new songs. She talked with people she didn’t knew and listened to their personal stories. The processed the stories and made it her own. Now she is ready to pass them. The story she begins with is her new single: Vanaf Nu.

“ ''Iedereen heeft een verhaal. En dat wilde ik horen, en ontdekken wat het met mij zou doen.”  “

Maaike Ouboter