Thursday 16 November 2017 2017

Preverbal EU Tour feat. Eric Doob & Zach Brown

The past couple of years, the post-rock meets jazz crossover from guitarist Matthew Stevens has created quite the positive storm in the current jazz scene. It is described with words as ‘virtuosity’ and ‘one of the world’s most exciting up-and-coming jazz guitarists’. Now, with the arrival of his second album he goes on tour and this brings him with his trio to The Hague on 16 November.

  • Kleine Zaal
  • 19:30
  • 20:30

For years, Matthew Stevens is considered one of the most promising artists in the current jazz scene. He made great impressions in the bands from Christian Scott and bassist Ben Williams. Also, his collaborations with Terri Lynn Carrington, Harvey Mason and Esperanza Spalding are special. In 2015, he debuted with his first own album Woodwork, an album which shows a great versatility and displays his great qualities. In March this year Stevens’ released his second album ‘Preverbal’.

“Matthew Stevens’ guitar will introduce you to dulcet tones you never knew existed… something that expands your sense of what music and sounds are out there.” – Vice Noisey 

“ “You’ve got that excitement of improvisation but you’ve also got the thrilling style of composition that doesn’t fit into any kind of genre and I think that’s one of the beautiful things about it.” “

Jamie Cullum, BBC Radio