Saturday 8 June 2019 2019

Attention: this concert takes place at the Nieuwe Kerk, Spui 175, 2511 BM Den Haag 

A voice, a guitar and a piano: these are the only things Jasper Stevelinck needs to enchant an audience. He played almost a hundred soldout shows, sold over 60.000 tickets on his recent Night Prayer tour and has a platinum album. He will be accompanied by Valentijn Else, a wonderful pianist that masters the art of telling a lot with very little notes. Paard en Zuiderstrandtheater present: Jasper Steverlinck in the Nieuwe Kerk.

Voor liefhebbers van Gitaar, Piano en een falsetto als Jeff Buckley en Saybia
  • Paard op Hol: Nieuwe Kerk
  • 19:30
  • 20:30

One of Jaspers fans is Sharon den Adel, leadsinger of Within Temptation. The two of them recently made the single ‘Firelight’. Jaspers latest album ‘Night Prayer’ is masted by Ted Jenssen (Arcade Fire, Coldplay, Muse, Norah Jones) and is about songwriting in its purest form.

“ De songs klinken warm, gevoelig, eerlijk en de Belgische singer/songwriter bewijst nogmaals over een buitengewoon stemgeluid te beschikken. “
